
Through the years

cover image
10 April 2024 promo

For the Dutch company Momentshare I made a short promotional video to reflect the usage of the app. Mostly targeted at weddings, but also applicable for any other gathering where a central collection of photo's is required.

The challenging budget required some creative thinking, so a mix of royalty free stock footage and self shot clips made this possbile to do in a short amount of time.


Dirk / Dekamarkt

During my employment at Snakeware I was part of a team that did the development for the Dutch supermarkets Dirk and Dekamarkt. I've been part of the development of multiple new components and pages, but also restructuring and improving the sites as a whole.

October 2021 - November 2022
October 2021 - November 2022

Trench Maya Pipeline

When working at The Outpost, A large part of my responsibility was developing a pipeline for Maya to streamline the production process. During my time at the Univiveristy I already picked up a lot of knowledge about creating production pipelines and also wrote a research paper about this subject. With this pipeline called "Trench" keeping track of our assets and scenes was made very easy using just the interface inside Maya. There was no more thinking about file structuring or publishing assets, everything was possbile within the pipeline. When building a scene, published assets could easily be referenced and updated and worked through the different stages in the production process. After that the scene could be submitted with one click to the render manager. Keeping every stage clean was done by using publish sets that would only publish the objects that were assigned to these sets.

Above is a short video impression of the workings of the pipeline.

Next to this there where some extra tools in development where scenes could be assigned to users as a tasks and having a task list to keep track of your progress. Sadly this has never been further developted because of time contraints.

All this was done using Python, PyQt5, PySide and a mongoDB to store all the data.

June 2019 - November 2020
June 2019 - November 2020

Fatboy – Flip boring to roaring

For this commercial for Fatboy I was mainly responsible for the layout preparation and making everything fit together before shooting. Together with the director we had to figure out a composition where all the Fatboy products were visible and were telling its own story. The camera motion would then be automated and repeating multiple times to get all the elements recorded separately on a green screen.

July 2020 - September 2020
July 2020 - September 2020


"Zeology" introduces a sustainable tanning method using a zeolite-based, chrome-free, heavy metal-free, and aldehyde-free formula, emphasizing its environmental advantages over competitors. The promotional concept involved creating various computer-generated environments, such as an Icelandic landscape, a vibrant forest, and an expansive ocean view, to illustrate the tanning process. The production involved a green screen setup, minimizing physical props on set, and the collaboration of a skilled crew ensures a successful and seamless execution of the project, combining artistic and technical expertise in post-production.

My contribution was mostly set preparation and managing all the technically complex scenes. Making sure all scenes worked as expected and solving any problems. Also keeping track of rendering and re-rendering once a scene was done. I also need to make sure that the edit was up to date, and the correct exports were made to be send to the client.

May 2020 - August 2020
May 2020 - August 2020

Festive Season

The Netherlands' prominent warehouse chain, "De Bijenkorf," kicked off the festive season with a campaign featuring "Robbiii," a small robot programmed to unite people through ancient stories of love, togetherness, friendship, and connectedness. The challenge of bringing Robbiii to life with human characteristics required meticulous integration with live-action material to ensure believability and likability among a broad audience. Achieving lifelike movements for Robbiii hinged on effective rigging, something I was responsibe for, enabling animators to bring the character to life in a way that resonated with the magic and Christmas spirit of "De Bijenkorf" during the 2019 festivities.

September 2019 - November 2019
September 2019 - November 2019


ProRail initiated a safety campaign addressing unsafe actions near train tracks, caused by activities like running, dog walking, and bird watching. The campaign focused on illustrating the domino effect of these actions, emphasizing the serious consequences while maintaining a fresh and vibrant visual appeal. The project involved creating a unique visual language and overcoming technical challenges to ensuring a seamless blend between reality and illusion. The result was a series of four 30-second commercials, each with distinct locations and stories, effectively conveying Prorail's safety message.

For me the tasks included pre-visualising the concept and getting the process as streamlined as possible. There needed to be a translation between the different software we used and getting all the correct animations and images in the scenes and pre-rendering the lighting. Because these needed frequent updating, I made a tool that would automate the process of these updates.

June 2019
June 2019

The Ritual of Tsuru

One of my first projects at The Outpost was this commercial for Rituals. On set I had to make sure all the data like used lenses, distance to actor, current shot, etc. were noted down and prepared in the 3D scenes.

The birds also needed to be rigged for animation, this is where the controls are added to the 3D object, also something I was responsible for.

November 2018
November 2018


The project involved collaborating with UNStudio to visualize their vision for a sustainable and environmentally friendly future through UNSense. The inspiration for the visuals came from UNStudio's process of creating intricate maquettes, providing valuable reference material for the project. The city was constructed using a blueprint of an existing city, allowing for the modification of building placements to create a unique layout. The final result featured detailed "hero" assets alongside lower-resolution buildings, contributing to a visually rich and distinctive urban environment.

For me the tasks was creating the layout of the city and creating various animations throughout the video. Also camera movement was part of my resposibilities and briging the scene together with all the different elements.

October 2018
October 2018

Drive By Paradise

A self-assured criminal is being chased by the city police after having robbed a small shop. This isn’t his first robbery, however, this time things didn’t go quite as planned. As he is fleeing from his crimes, he eventually comes face to face with the terrible thing he has done, and guilt starts to consume him.

This 3D animated short was a graduation film at the University of the Arts in Utrecht, The Netherlands. It had it's premiere at the selection for the student competition at the Netherlands Film Festival.

Festivals: Netherlands Film Festival - official selection student competition

September 2017 - June 2018
September 2017 - June 2018

Buidling the Monolith

Building the Monolith is an abstract video clip through different diverse worlds. Inspired and influenced by the music of the talented artist Reid Willis. Using a combination of sound design and melody, the music shapes the concept of this poetic and visual experience. Starting out in a long, calm, but tens environment and dynamically changing its course throughout the clip, using different styles and shapes guided by the movement of the audio.

3rd year student project on the University of the Arts Utrecht

January 2017 - June 2017
January 2017 - June 2017

Station Tunnel

A short clip inspired by the sound of a train driving above a station tunnel. Scene created in Maya using vRay to render and Fusion for compositing.

October 2016
October 2016