The Outpost

Trench Maya Pipeline

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When working at The Outpost, A large part of my responsibility was developing a pipeline for Maya to streamline the production process. During my time at the Univiveristy I already picked up a lot of knowledge about creating production pipelines and also wrote a research paper about this subject. With this pipeline called "Trench" keeping track of our assets and scenes was made very easy using just the interface inside Maya. There was no more thinking about file structuring or publishing assets, everything was possbile within the pipeline. When building a scene, published assets could easily be referenced and updated and worked through the different stages in the production process. After that the scene could be submitted with one click to the render manager. Keeping every stage clean was done by using publish sets that would only publish the objects that were assigned to these sets.

Above is a short video impression of the workings of the pipeline.

Next to this there where some extra tools in development where scenes could be assigned to users as a tasks and having a task list to keep track of your progress. Sadly this has never been further developted because of time contraints.

All this was done using Python, PyQt5, PySide and a mongoDB to store all the data.

Client: The Outpost

Tasks: All aspects


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